Our curriculum draws on neuroscientific research and is developmentally appropriate, integrated and creative. It aims to instill care for self, for others and for the environment in our children,
Our approach honours the development of the whole child; intellectually,
physically, emotionally, and socially across ages. It also recognizes that all
children are intelligent and capable learners and will develop across and within
these developmental areas in unique and individualized ways.
Since children learn in different ways and learn better if learning experiences
are interconnected or integrated, our curriculum too is theme based and
investigates ideas from multiple perspectives. Our themes combine different
areas of learning and become catalysts for developing concepts, skills and
attitudes while relating this learning to real life. This learning ensures
development of multiple intelligence in children.
We engage learners through creative learning experiences. Creative expression
across learning domains is invited, encouraged and celebrated.
Children are exposed to dynamic learning environments, challenges and choices in activities, open ended questions, and interactions with peers and teachers. Working with colours and textures, engaging with music and movement and a plethora of other mediums with ample freedom ensure nurturance of the innate creativity in each child.
Children are exposed to dynamic learning environments, challenges and choices in activities, open ended questions, and interactions with peers and teachers. Working with colours and textures, engaging with music and movement and a plethora of other mediums with ample freedom ensure nurturance of the innate creativity in each child.
Care for self begins with building self esteem through developing self help
skills, providing choices, autonomy, challenges, successes, affirmations and
support to help the children know and flourish in this knowledge of being unique
and special.
Working collaboratively through opportunities for sharing, waiting for ones turn, taking the role of the other and resolving conflicts helps children extend this care to others.
Caring for the environment is a habit that is inculcated early in children. This connecting thread runs through the entire curriculum and the practices followed at Birla Open Minds Preschool.
Working collaboratively through opportunities for sharing, waiting for ones turn, taking the role of the other and resolving conflicts helps children extend this care to others.
Caring for the environment is a habit that is inculcated early in children. This connecting thread runs through the entire curriculum and the practices followed at Birla Open Minds Preschool.