DAY AND DATE: 30th Nov – 04th Dec 2023
“Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution.”
Birla Open Minds International School organised MATH- A- RON starting from 30th November – 04th December’23. It was a fun-filled learning event for the students.
On the first day, a special assembly comprising of a skit and few games based on numbers was organised. Teachers performed a skit based on “Mathematical concepts and skills”. Classroom activities were conducted for the parents as well as the students. The parents were honoured with certificates and badges.
The second day an array of Mathematical activities was planned in each grade. There were a few activities to enhance their logical, computing and creative skills. The third day ended with some colourful classroom activities.
At the end of each day the students were provided with badges for their participation along with a certificate. They thoroughly enjoyed this learning with a lot of zeal.
Field Trip to Science Centre
CLASS: 1-7
DAY AND DATE: Friday, December 15, 2023
“When education meets adventure, magic happens.”
On this note, the students of classes 1-7 visited Regional Science City on 15th December 2023 to stimulate curiosity, develop inquiring minds, and expose children to positive new experiences. They visited Science and Prehistoric Park which had more than 50 interactive exhibits which help people to cope with the rapidly changing technological environment, and empower them by improving their life skills. The students were given a tour of its different galleries such as Underwater Exploration, Biotechnological Revolution, and the Popular Science Hall which enthralled them. It was an enriching and exciting educational trip.
DAY AND DATE: Friday, 22nd Dec 23
With the jingle of the bells resonating, hum of the carols in the wind, the ‘ho-ho’ of Santa and gifts and glee everywhere- Christmas is an exciting affair that brings a bagful of surprises for everyone including children and adults.
With the jingle of the bells resonating, hum of the carols in the wind, the ‘ho-ho’ of Santa and gifts and glee everywhere- Christmas is an exciting affair that brings a bagful of surprises for everyone including children and adults.
The whole atmosphere is painted by Christmas decorations, food stalls and thematic interiors. Caught in the whirl of fun and excitement, the visitors and the students at the Carnival enjoyed the unlimited sprawl of exciting games and were complemented by attention-grabbing food stalls.
‘’ Children are the world’s most valuable resource and best hope for future”
Children’s day is to celebrate ‘Childhood’. The occasion is celebrated on 14th November every year with great splendor and grandeur. This day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister and to create an awareness for the rights of children which includes their education and care.
Children’s day was celebrated with gaiety and fervor at Birla Open Minds School. Children wore colourful attires and were very excited to celebrate the event. The program clearly depicted the spirit of the occasion with teachers holding the stage and putting up a mesmerising show for the children. Teachers enthralled the audience with their energetic and graceful moves. Subsequently, a song was presented by the primary teachers for our lovely children. Students were elated to see their teachers performing and celebrating the day with zeal and enthusiasm. The conclusion of the event was very successful, with the children enjoying their hearts out.
CLASS:: Pre Nursery – Gr7
DAY AND DATE: 29th Aug’ 23, Tuesday
Birla Open Minds International School, Shaheed Path organized its highly anticipated Annual Concert- Samagam-2, on 4th November, 2023 at Sangeet Natak Academy, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. This year's concert was themed "Global Rhythm" and it showcased extraordinary talent, diversity, and cultural appreciation.
The event celebrated the rich tapestry of global cultures, highlighted the significance of rhythm in bringing communities together. The concert featured captivating performances by the students, showcasing their talents in music, dance, and various art forms from around the world.
It was an enchanting evening as young performers took the stage, they transported the audience on a voyage across continents. From African drum circles to Indian classical dances, from Latin American beats to Asian melodies, the concert presented a mosaic of cultural expressions harmoniously interwoven.
The guests of honour, Justice R.N Pandey [Retd] and Mr. Anil Kumar, [Additional Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Government], enlightened the audience with their presence and inspirational words. The director, Mr. C.D Pandey and the principal, Ms. Uzmana Maseh witnessed the vibrant energy and passion the students brought to the stage, which showcased exceptional dedication and hard work.
National Sports day
CLASS: Nursery to 7th
DAY AND DATE: 29th Aug’ 23, Tuesday
REPORT: “Being a sportsperson it is important to train the mind, stay fit and
ready to battle always.”
Sports and games can bring people together as nothing else can. It is not always
winning that counts, it is the courage to stand up again and face the challenge
of failure. National Sports Day is celebrated on the 29th of August every year.
It marks the birth anniversary of Hockey Legend, Major Dhyan Chand, who is
regarded as the greatest Hockey player of all times. To mark the significance of
National Sports Day, the school organized a sport event and conducted several
activities to inculcate the feeling of true sportsmanship among the children and
to enhance their physical and social skills. The students participated in
various sports activities and winners were awarded medals and certificates.
Children learnt a lot about sportsmanship and teamwork through this sport
Pre-primary pic
NAME OF THE EVENT: Janmashtami Celebration
DAY AND DATE: 6th September 2023, Wednesday
“Celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna with love and devotion.’’
Janmashtami or Gokul Ashtami is a festival celebrated to mark the birth of Lord
Krishna, who is considered the eight incarnations of the Lord Vishnu. The
celebration was a vibrant and educational experience for our young students,
ranging from pre-nursery to kindergarten. The day began with a special assembly
tailored for our pre primary kids. The assembly aimed to introduce them to the
significance of Janmashtami and why we celebrate it. The students were dressed
in colourful attire and represented themselves as Lord Krishna and Radha. One of
the highlights of the celebration was a captivating performance by our K2
students. The festivities extended to the classrooms, where pre-primary students
actively participated in crafting and creative activities. Pre nursery, nursery
students have decorated the beautiful matki’s and k1 , k2 made beautiful crowns
to emulate Lord Krishna's signature peacock feathered headgear.
K1 A
K1 B
K2 A
K2 B
Nursery A
Nursery B
Pre Nursery
Culminating Day
CLASS: Pre-Nursery to K2
DAY AND DATE: 04 August’23
REPORT: Theme- Cultural Diversity studied by the students of Pre Nursery to K2
culminated with an interesting activity presented by our young learners. They
presented different states of India (Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir, Punjab, etc) with
their parents through ramp walk after which they also spoke few lines on their
allotted state and played some interesting games. Parents enjoyed these
presentations and applauded to encourage the students.
K1 A
K1 B
K2 A
K2 B
Nursery A
Nursery B
Pre Nursery
Independence Day
NAME OF THE EVENT: Independence Day Celebration
DAY AND DATE: 14 August 23, Monday
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your
Keeping the feeling of patriotism in mind, the students of Birla Open Minds
International School enthusiastically participated in the celebration of
Independence Day. A cultural programme was held in the school where the students
of all the classes participated. The programme started with the school prayer
followed by an explanation about the importance of this day. After the programme
sweets distribution was done. It was indeed a celebration of joy, patriotism and
K1 A
K1 B
K2 A
K2 B
Nursery B
Monthly competition Gr5-7
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY & COMPETITION: Making an Album on World Photography Day &
DEBATE- “Science is a good Servant but a bad Master.”
DAY AND DATE: 23rd Aug 2023 & 28th Aug 2023 respectively.
“It all starts with a click! Telling stories through Photos…”
Students at Birla Open Minds International School, Shaheed Path participated in
the Album making activity on the World Photography Day. The students brought the
pictures of their friends, family, nature, wildlife based on their interest and
with all their zeal made attractive albums. This gave them an opportunity to
bring out the artistic personality to add a tint to existing materials provided
to them. As, we as BOMIS believe that Playful Learning makes Learning Fun so to
practically implement it altogether in our middle school we organized a Debate
competition on the topic, “Science is a good Servant but a bad Master” it turned
out to be a success as we found all the children participating which boosted
their self-confidence, develop critical thinking skills and foster collaboration
among the students.
Monthly competition Gr1-4
CLASS: Grades 1-4
DAY AND DATE: 29 Aug’23, Tuesday
REPORT: School quiz competitions are exciting events that test the knowledge and
intellectual abilities of students. The students at Birla Open Minds
International School, Shaheed Path Lucknow got an opportunity to showcase their
intelligence and compete with their peers. The event was conducted by the
school's Quiz team to encourage students to gain general knowledge, apart from
subject knowledge. The quiz competition resulted in students who were very
responsive, well-prepared, enthusiastic, and followed the rules. The questions
asked covered a wide range of topics, from history and science to sports and
current events.
Raksha Bandhan
संस्कृत दिवस
गतिविधि का नाम: संस्कृत दिवस
कक्षा: पाँच
दिनांक: १-९-२०२३
प्रतिवेदन लेखन - संस्कृत भाषा हमारे समृद्ध भारतीय सांस्कृतिक धरोहर का महत्वपूर्ण
हिस्सा है। संस्कृत एक अत्यंत मौलिक भाषा है, जिसने भारतीय भाषाओं का निर्माण किया
और प्रेरित किया। संस्कृत दिवस का आयोजन हमारी संस्कृति और भाषा के प्रति लोगों की
जागरूकता को बढ़ाने का एक महत्वपूर्ण माध्यम है। हमारे विद्यालय में भी 31 अगस्त
2023 को संस्कृत दिवस का आयोजन प्रातः सभा में किया गया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन कक्षा
पाँच की छात्रा आद्या सिंह एवं मांडवी ने किया । जिसमें सर्वप्रथम गुरु वंदना की गई
तत्पश्चात सरस्वती वंदना का सस्वर पाठ हुआ । बच्चों ने बहुत उत्साह के साथ हिंदी
में प्रतिज्ञा की। बच्चों ने संस्कृत के महत्व को जाना एवं इसकी प्राचीनता को समझा।
इस प्रकार कार्यक्रम का समापन राष्ट्रगीत के साथ हुआ।
हिन्दी झंकार उत्सव
गतिविधि का नाम: हिन्दी झंकार उत्सव
कक्षा: १-४
दिनांक: १६ - १८ अगस्त २०२३
प्रतिवेदन: हमारे विद्यालय में हिंदी झंकार उत्सव का आयोजन किया गया। उत्सव की
“शुभंकर रानी मधुमक्खी” थी। विद्यार्थियों में एक नई ऊर्जा का संचार करना एवं अपनी
हिंदी भाषा से लगाव रखना उत्सव का मुख्य उद्देश्य था। हिंदी झंकार उत्सव का प्रारंभ
प्रभात--सभा से किया गया। जिसमें विद्यालय को शुभंकर रानी मधुमक्खी के विभिन्न तरह
के पोस्टर से सजाया गया। एक लघु नाटिका के माध्यम से शुभंकर का परिचय बच्चों से
कराया गया।
जिसमें विद्यालय की सभी शिक्षक--शिक्षिकाओं ने उत्साह से सहयोग किया।
रानी मधुमक्खी के गीत के साथ बच्चों ने नृत्य किया, नारे लगाए। तीन दिन तक विभिन्न
तरह के खेल बच्चों को खिलाएं गए जो हिंदी से संबंधित थे। उन्हें शाबाश कार्ड ,
प्रोत्साहन कार्ड एवं स्टैंप भी लगाए गए। द्वितीय दिवस में विशेष गतिविधि के
अंतर्गत बच्चों के दादा-दादी एवं नाना-नानी को विद्यालय में आमंत्रित किया गया |
साथ ही बच्चों को अपनी मनपसंद पुस्तक के नाम के साथ मनपसंद चरित्र की वेशभूषा में
आकर उसके बारे में बताने को कहा गया | बच्चों एवं उनके दादा-दादी एवं नाना-नानी ने
भी पूरे उत्साह के साथ भाग लिया। अंतिम दिवस प्रभात- सभा में एक वर्णों से सम्बंधित
रोचक खेल खिलाया गया और उन्हें एक प्रेरणाप्रद फिल्म दिखाई गई। सभी विद्यार्थियों
को उनकी उत्साहित सहभागिता के लिए हिंदी झंकार प्रमाण पत्र भी दिया गया।
Mother's Day Celebration
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Mother’s Day Celebration
DAY AND DATE: 9th May’ 22, Monday
REPORT: The day that recognizes the essence of a mother was celebrated in high spirits
and merriment. This being one of those occasions that none of us can afford to
miss was zealously enjoyed by one and all. The children irrespective of
nationalities, castes, cultures and genders have emotions binding them to their
Keeping this bonding emotion in mind, the students of Birla Open Minds
International School had a special celebration on Mother’s Day. A special
assembly was also held to make the day more special and unique. A beautiful song
dedicated to all the mothers was presented by the children. One of the teachers,
delivered a speech on ‘The Importance of Mother’s Day’. The children got
passionately involved in making beautiful greeting cards for their mothers. The
tiny tots of Grades 1-3, came up with new and innovative ideas for their
handmade cards. The students from Grade 4-6, prepared beautiful E-cards. It was
a pleasure watching the dynamic and energetic children preparing something
unique. Each card was special and different in its own way. A beautiful collage
of photographs of the students along with their mothers was also put up at
school. In addition to this, the children recorded videos of how they made the
day really special for their mothers. They, with the help of their fathers,
prepared special breakfast for their mothers.
Heart-warming feelings filled the
air with intimacy, gratitude, appreciation and acknowledgement. The children
proudly echoed and enchanted the quote- “Mother will be our door to Paradise,
so, lets love, respect and care for our mother every day.”
E-cards made by students
Eid- Ul - Fitr
DAY AND DATE: 2nd May’22, Monday
REPORT:The students of Birla Open Minds International School exuberantly participated
in the preparations of Eid assembly. A special assembly was presented by the
students Grade 1 to Grade 6 Students to signify the importance of Eid. The
assembly started with an inspirational thought which highlighted the importance
of the power of faith. It was followed by an informative skit which helped the
students to know more about Islamic culture. The tudents were explained about
the importance of zakat. A parent was invited to express her views on the
festival, which reinforced the values like unity in diversity and brotherhood.
Also, the values like compassion and sharing were reinforced by the donation of
uncooked rice and wheat flour.
Grade 1: Ramp Show
Grade 2: Ramp Show
Grade 3: Dance and Song performance
Grade 4: Dance performance
Grade 5: Skit
Grade 6: Skit
In addition to this, students had brought Sevaiyan in the Snack box.
Reader's Deck (Filler Week)
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Reader’s Deck (Filler Week)
DAY AND DATE: 30th June’22 – 4th July’22,
REPORT:STOP, DROP AND READ "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's
loot on Treasure Island.” The Reader’s Deck bonanza was introduced with a bang
in the assembly on the first day through a skit. The rest of the two days also
had interactive activities involving all the grades for a short interval during
the assembly. This served to begin each day of the Reader’s Deck with fresh
enthusiasm. An extravagant bonanza between two themes transported our young
students into a fun-filled week repleted with activities to stimulate their love
of reading. Reader’s Deck was an exciting attempt to encourage reading. Along
with fun-filled activities, it incorporated- a print-rich environment, active
participation, celebrations, summation of reading experiences, and community and
parental involvement. To make a visual impact on the students there were
inspirational posters inspiring not only book lovers but also budding readers.
These posters were displayed around the school, on all three days. To enable
children to accumulate points and experience a winning feeling, grade-wise
interactive posters in and around the classroom were displayed. Additionally,
for each grade there was an interactive board that displayed different
grade-wise activities every day, to sustain the excitement till the final day.
Reader’s Deck aimed to bring joy, celebration, fun, and learning. From Riding
the Reading Wave to Fuelling the mind, the summation of this extravaganza was
experienced in Wonder World. The three glorious days full of reading experiences
nourished and revitalized the children’s intuitive understanding that language
is something to explore, play around with, and enjoy. There were multiple
opportunities given to the children to win accolades and small prizes after
activities. Bookmarks and certificates for each activity were given to make them
feel a sense of achievement.
Activities and competitions (July)18th July 2022
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Activities and Competition (July)
DAY AND DATE: 18th July 2022,
REPORT:“When it comes to extracurricular activities, many children are getting too much
of a good thing”. - Carl Honore Education without co-curricular activities is
like educating the mind without educating the soul. Co-curricular activities are
the activities through which a learner explores his abilities, eradicates his
week’s nesses, and creates a broader vision of life. The importance of
co-curricular activities in modern education can be fathomed by the fact that
these activities have become an integral part of the curriculum policy.
Present-day school life cannot be imagined without recitations and storytelling
inter-house competitions to name a few from the ever-increasing list. These
activities not only give equal footage to every child but also boost their
confidence and spirit of independence. Students learn to contribute, manage and
organize, individually as well as in a team. The competitions were a fusion of
talent, imagination, creativity, and alertness. Keeping this in mind, the
Inter-House Competitions for Grades 1-6 were held on Monday, 18th July 2022. The
following are the activities that took place in different grades:
Grade 1 & 2: Integration activity- Picnic
Grade 3 &4: Be Eco friendly- recycling & reusing material
Grade 5: Slogan Writing - world population day
Grade 6: Slogan Writing - Against Child Labor
The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly.
They were applauded for their superb performance.
Activities and competitions (Aug)5 Aug 2022
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Activities and Competition (August’22)
DAY AND DATE: 5th Aug’ 2022
Extracurricular activities help children develop motor skills and improve
physical fitness, while also building their cognitive and social skills, all of
which can enhance children's sense of well-being. In order to bring out the
hidden talents of our students and instill the feeling of nationalism, various
activities and competitions were organised on 5th August ’22. The following are
the activities that took place in different grades:
Grade 1 & 2: Prabhat Pheri
Grade 3 & 4: Talent show -Speech on freedom fighter
Grade 5 & 6 : Craft work - Making of flag (Tiranga)
The Inter-House Competitions for Grades 1-6 were held on 5th August ’22.
Grade 1 & 2: Painting our Indian flag.
Grade 3 &4: Quiz -Freedom fighters of India
Grade 5 & 6 : Art Competition on Pollution
Children enjoyed the activities. They were applauded for their creativity and enthusiasm.
हिन्दी झंकार उत्सव
गतिविधि का नाम: हिन्दी झंकार उत्सव
कक्षा: १-४
दिनांक: १६ - १८ अगस्त २०२२
प्रतिवेदन:हमारे विद्यालय में हिंदी झंकार उत्सव का आयोजन किया गया। उत्सव की शुभंकर रानी
मधुमक्खी थी। विद्यार्थियों में एक नई ऊर्जा का संचार करना एवं अपनी हिंदी भाषा से
लगाव रखना उत्सव का मुख्य उद्देश्य था। हिंदी झंकार उत्सव का प्रारंभ प्रभात-सभा से
किया गया। जिसमें विद्यालय को शुभंकर रानी मधुमक्खी के विभिन्न तरह के पोस्टर से
सजाया गया। एक लघु नाटिका के माध्यम से शुभंकर का परिचय बच्चों से कराया गया।
जिसमें विद्यालय की सभी शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाओं ने उत्साह से सहयोग किया। रानी मधुमक्खी
के गीत के साथ बच्चों ने नृत्य किया नारे लगाए। तीन दिन तक विभिन्न तरह के खेल
बच्चों को खिलाएं गए जो हिंदी से संबंधित थे। उन्हें शाबाश कार्ड प्रोत्साहन कार्ड
एवं स्टैंप भी लगाए गए। द्वितीय दिवस एक विशेष गतिविधि जिसमें उन्हें अपनी मनपसंद
पुस्तक के नाम के साथ मनपसंद चरित्र की वेशभूषा में आकर उसके बारे में बताना था।
बच्चों ने पूरे उत्साह के साथ भाग लिया। अंतिम दिवस उन्हें एक प्रेरणाप्रद फिल्म
दिखाई गई। सभी विद्यार्थियों को उनकी उत्साहित सहभागिता के लिए हिंदी झंकार प्रमाण
पत्र भी दिया गया।
Independence Day Celebration
CLASS: Nursery – VI
DAY AND DATE: 15th Aug.’ 22, Monday
REPORT:“Independence does not come free; it demands a great cost. Today, let us honour
all the great souls who had to pay for it.” A country celebrates its
Independence Day in school because it’s an excellent opportunity to teach some
history and make it interesting and fun-well, it would be if we engage them in
various activities in the school to indoctrinate the children with loyalty to
their country. Keeping this emotion in mind, the students of Birla Open Minds
International School had a special celebration on Independence Day. A special
assembly with the speech of respected Principal and Director and flag hoisting
followed by National Anthem was held to make the day more special and unique. In
addition to that, the students got passionately involved in all the colourful
cultural presentation and representation of their talent on the stage.
World Earth Day Assembly
World Earth Day Activities
Co Curricular
Class Activities
Summer Camp
Earth Day
Dance Day
Dentist Visit- Gr 3
Christmas Carnival
CLASS: Nursery to Grade 6
DAY AND DATE: 23rd NOV’ 2022
REPORT:“Christmas is the season for kindling the fire for hospitality and flame of
charity in the heart” Birla Open Minds International School organised Christmas
Carnival on 23rd November 2022. The day was filled with surprises. Students’
happiness was worth noticing. An array of joyous activities took place. Santa
Clause visited each and every child and the distribution of candies took place.
The carnival started with Carol singing by grades 1 to 4. There were stalls of
various games like Feed the Santa, Pot the coin, Pinning the Reindeer and Ring
your gifts. Students enjoyed playing thoroughly. The scrumptious food stalls
added more colour to the carnival. It was a day to remember for all the
Earth Day
DAY AND DATE: 22nd April’22, Friday
REPORT: The students of Birla Open Minds International School enthusiastically
participated in various activities to commemorate our benevolent Mother Earth.
On the occasion of the Earth Day, an array of creative activities was organized
with a view to sensitize the children about the conservation of natural
resources and to motivate them to do their bit towards making their planet even
more beautiful. A special assembly was also held to celebrate the Mother Earth
wherein the Dance-drama was presented by Grade 4 students on a melodious song,
‘na kaato mujhe dukhta hai’ dedicated to our blue planet.
Grade 1: Fancy Dress
Grade 2: JAM- Just A Minute on the topic ‘Save Earth’
Grade 3: Draw and colour on the topic ‘Invest in our Planet’
Grade 4: Draw and colour on the topic ‘Invest in our Planet’
Grade 5: Poster making on the topic ‘Save Earth, Save Life’
Grade 6: Poster making on the topic ‘3R’s – Reuse, Reduce and Recycle’
In addition to this, students took part in the beautiful activity Butterfly
Garden. The events of the day rekindled emotions of the youngsters to save, love
and respect Mother Nature with all their heart and soul.
Annual Sports Day
CLASS: NUR- Grade 6
DAY AND DATE: 16 Dec’22, Friday
REPORT:Annual Sports Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Birla Open Minds
International School, on 16th Dec’ 2022. The students displayed a wide array of
energetic and bouncy sports events ranging from the P.T. display, Walk Past,
track events, School drill, Hoola Hoops, etc. They mesmerized the audience with
their energetic performances. The proud parents could be seen filled with
happiness to see their child performing. School’s Director, Principal, parents
and all the teachers were present to raise the morale of the students. The Chief
Guest awarded the medals and the certificates to the winners of the various
sports events.
Annual Day
Children's Day
Summer Camp
DAY AND DATE: 16 May'22, Monday - 26 May'22,Thursday
Summer is not just about sweltering heat, especially if you are a school student. With summer vacation around the corner, it is time to mix learning with a lot of fun and frolic at the summer camps.
Birla Open Minds International School conducted a host of activities to keep children engaged during the summer vacations to hone the artistic skills of the children while at the same time improving their physical fitness. The school had offered Music, Dance, Football, Basketball, Story Telling and Art and craft sessions along with Fun Games for the children. Students enjoyed these fun days learning various skills.
On 26th May’22, there was a special assembly. Group song: O re chiraiya
Group Dance - junior: Bollywood medley
Group Dance – Nursery- grade 1: Bollywood medley
In addition, there were special takeaways: Paper Mache -mask, Photo frame, Flower stick, Wall hanging and Fabric painted handkerchiefs.